10 Unbelievable Facts about Java

The IoT Academy
4 min readJan 24, 2023


Facts About Java

Java is the choice of many developers among all the widely used programming languages available. Every day, millions of devices are using it around the world. This object-oriented programming is popular because it is readable and simple. Although Java is enjoying this popularity, there are some fun facts about Java that you probably didn’t know about. Apart from the numerous Advantages of Java, it has interesting things to keep the users engaged. It has become the go-to language for software developers in many companies. Java is emerging as a leading support language because of its unique portability. It has the capability of operating on any hardware or operating system in the same way.

Since it is a long-lasting programming language, many are curious about its origin and evaluation. It remains immensely popular and for many good reasons. Moreover, you will find many programmers swearing by the stability of Java. Here are some unbelievable facts about Java that not many developers are aware of. Read them and share them with your friends and coworkers.

Interesting Facts About Java

Did you know that the main technology site of Sun is java.sun.com? java.net. is the collaborative site being run by Sun? Additionally, there is a news site run by Sun. Its name is java.com. Read below to know such interesting facts about java:

1. OAK Was Its Original Name

It might be hard to imagine, but this high-level language was initially called a much different name. James Gosling, who was providing services to Sun Microsystems at the time, was the creator of Java. He developed a new and simple language for creating programs. This name was given after the oak tree outside his office window. With time, the name was changed and now we know it as Java.

2. Final Has A Different Meaning In Java

Apart from literal Meaning, final has 4 meanings in Java:

  • Final Field which is used for constant field
  • Final Class where class can’t be extended
  • Final Variable where the variable value cannot be changed once it is assigned.
  • Final Method which cannot be overridden.

3. Minecraft Was Initially Written in Java

We all know that Minecraft is one of the most favorite video games ever. Notch, its creator first wrote the game in Java. This is because he was comfortable using this programming language. When

Microsoft acquired Minecraft, and its new owner released another version in C++.

4. Think Like a Programmer With Java

No doubt, there are more than one reasons why most aspiring programmers start their career by Learning Java. Although its syntax might be complex sometimes, it teaches newbies to start thinking like programmers. It enhances the types of problem-solving skills. They will be useful to students afterward when they will learn more tough languages.

5. It’s Dynamic

This is of the most interesting unknown facts about Java. Many of us don’t know how dynamic it is. Java can be classified into two categories ie Java instrumentations and Java reflections. Java instrumentation enables you to modify previously compiled classes. It will come in handy if you plan to change the code at run time. Many Open-source libraries like AspectJ and ASM, allow for Java instrumentations.

The second category enables you to visit the private variable of a class. It is very helpful when programming software.

6. It was All an Accident

James Gosling, the creator of Java, initially gave it a different name ‘OAK’. But, you know that the invention of Java in itself was an accident? James Gosling, and his team, were cleaning up C++ but ended up with a new language. Many devices that we use today like the microwave and x-ray images, were invented by accident.

7. It Is The Second Most Popular Programming Language

Among the developer’s choices, C is in the first position. After C developers prefer to use Java. It helps in developing high-end applications.

8. It Is More Popular Than You Think

Although Java is extremely popular, we cannot quantify it. There are around 9 million Java developers worldwide. It gets downloaded more than a billion times annually.

9. The Chances Of Getting a Job are More

Since it is very popular, there is a rise in demand for Java programmers. If you are proficient with this language, you won’t sit idle for long.

10. There Are Many Java Platforms

The various Java platforms include:

Java Standard Edition, Java Enterprise Edition, Java Micro Edition and

Java FX.


Java is one of the lasting Programming Languages. It has remained immensely popular for many good reasons. There are many cool things you can do with Java. Also, there are lots of things you probably didn’t know about. We have told you some interesting facts about Java. Learn this language from The IoT Academy and explore more about Java.



The IoT Academy
The IoT Academy

Written by The IoT Academy

The IoT Academy specialized in providing emerging technologies like advanced Embedded systems, Internet of Things, Data Science,Python, Machine Learning, etc

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