Everything You Need to Know About Linear Search in Python Program

The IoT Academy
4 min readJul 28, 2023


Linear Search in Python Program

We use specific algorithms to look for an element in a specific data structure to carry out our activities in as little time as possible. Another name for these algorithms is searching algorithms. Many types of search algorithms are regularly used, including linear search algorithms, binary search algorithms, interpolation search algorithms, jump search algorithms, etc.

One technique to locate things in a list in Python is to use linear search. The sought-after element is located sequentially. Every component is examined for the value we’re after. The process returns the element’s index position if both are equal. If neither is, the element is found. Continue reading to know about linear search in Python.

Linear Search In Python Program

We use particular algorithms to effectively carry out our duties, such as finding an element in a specified data structure. These algorithms fall under the category of searching algorithms. Searching algorithms include the following: the linear search algorithm, the binary search algorithm, the jump search algorithm, the interpolation search algorithm, etc.

The earliest and most basic searching algorithm out of all of these is the linear search algorithm Python.

Linear Search Algorithm In Python

Right now, we understand the basics of Python’s linear search algorithm. Let’s look at the algorithm the code used for a better understanding:

  • Make the function linear search().
  • Set three parameters: the array, the length of the array, and the value to be located.
  • The for loop’s initial state.
  • As you continue to repeat, compare the key’s value to each element.
  • If the element is present, provide the index back.
  • If the return element is not present.

Linear Search In Python Using List

To use linear search on lists and tuples, follow the instructions listed below.

  1. Set up the list, tuple, and element at the beginning.
  2. Check for the element by iterating over the list or tuple.
  3. Each time you locate the element and raise a flag, the loop must be broken.
  4. The message of an element not found printed based on the flag.

Python Program For Linear Search Improvement

In Python, a linear search is sometimes referred to as a sequential search. Every element of the list is successively checked until a match is found or the full list has been searched. It has been observed that when searching for a key element, it is possible to keep looking for the precise key element.

If a comparable element is searched more than once, it is intended that the process will go faster. Therefore, in this case, Linear Search may be improved by applying the following two methods:

1. Transposition

By optimizing, the search process keeps moving the element toward the beginning of the array. Here the complexity of the search would be constant over time. To increase the number of searches for a particular key, if the key element is found, it is switched to the element an index earlier.

2. Move to Front

Using the Move to Front Method, the most recently searched item is moved to the front of the list. Because of this, the linear search program in Python is quite easy to use while also bringing up items not often searched. As a result of moving items not often searched to the front, this strategy has a serious disadvantage in that it slows down access times.

Linear Search In Python User Input

One of the most basic search methods is linear search. A list or array and an item make up the input of a linear search method. The algorithm looks for the item’s presence inside the array. If the object is located, its index is returned. If not, it may return null or any other value that you believe cannot be included within the array.

Here are the basic actions to carry out a linear search method in Python:

  • The array’s first index, 0 index, should be used to search the input item.
  • Verify the item’s presence at the current index. If so, take the index back and go to step 5.
  • Verify that the array’s current index is its final index. If so, give null and proceed to step 5.
  • Go to step 2 after changing to the next array index.
  • Turn off the algorithm.


For linear searching, as opposed to a binary search, a hierarchical list is not required. Removals or additions have no impact on it. For the linear search, the list does not need to be categorized, thus additional members can be added or removed. The list may need to be reorganized by algorithms after additions or deletions, much like with other kinds of searches. On occasion, it may imply that a linear search would be more effective.



The IoT Academy

The IoT Academy specialized in providing emerging technologies like advanced Embedded systems, Internet of Things, Data Science,Python, Machine Learning, etc